Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 94

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 12
issue Number : 94

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 12، ، issue Number 94

The role and importance of covenant in the structure of Persian romance poems of the 5th and 6th centuries

Samane Vatandoost , Hassan Bassak (Author in Charge), Reza Ashrafzade


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the fifth and sixth centuries, romantic poems had become one of the important aspects of Persian literature. Every romantic story is formed in the social background of its era and it is impossible to analyze the romantic story separately from the factors, beliefs and social traditions of the time and place of its occurrence. Pact is one of the beliefs that are placed as romantic, political and social contracts between the characters and moves the story forward.

This article examines the role of covenant in the structure and systematization of these poems with respect to prominent love poems such as Zal and Rudabeh, Vargheh and Golshah, Weiss and Ramin, Khosrow and Shirin, Sheikh San’aan and Christian girl, etc. The importance of the agreement in the communication and relationships of the characters, its effect on the flow of the story and the changes it brings about are also examined.

METHODOLOGY: Using text analysis and stylistic methods, the present study examines the role of covenant in the structure of romantic poems in Persian literature of the fifth and sixth centuries and confirms and interprets the results of the research.

FINDINGS: The frequency of covenant"s presence in creating stories and maintaining romantic, political and social relationships is very significant. A major part of the plot of the investigated poems is indebted to this social and internal belief, and the contract and breach of contract have the function of unraveling knots, conflicts, throwing knots, etc. in the story.

CONCLUSION: Covenant is very important in the structure of Persian romance poems of the 5th and 6th centuries. This concept establishes the structure of the story, shapes the relationships of the characters and contains important moral and social messages. The poets of the mentioned two centuries have benefited from the importance of this belief in the social context not only to keep the main characters of the story alive and to create interactions and relationships, but also as a tool to show personality changes, story developments and maintain story order have been used. As the fulfillment of the agreement has an effect on the structure of the poems, the violation of the agreement by the fictional characters in the stories causes tangles and conflicts with contradictions and inconsistencies and the complexity of human relations due to the emergence of ambiguities, lack of trust and a decrease in emotional connection. It happens between the characters.

Romantic poems , covenant , plot , structure of story , the 5th and 6th centuries.

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